
Running low on battery? Put your phone on Airplane mode and it'll charge much faster!

Make a password into a goal of yours so you constantly have to be reminded of it.

You can heal paper cuts and immediately stop the pain by rubbing the area with chapstick.

Need some free WiFi? The best places to go are Panera, McDonalds, Apple Store, Office Depot, Staples, and Courtyard Marriott.

When buying something online only read the reviews that gave it 3 stars—they're usually the most honest about pros and cons.

Mixing alcohol with diet coke will get you more drunk than mixing it with regular coke.

When starting a game of "rock paper scissors" always start with paper. Most people start with rock as it's the shape the hand easily forms.

Any working cell phone, regardless if it is in service or not, will call 911.

Hang a picture of a Tattoo you want somewhere you'll see it every day for a year. If you still want it after that, then it's worth getting.

Rubbing an eraser on a scratched LCD screen can sometimes remove the scratch.

Learning a new language? Try to find a translation of your favorite book when you were 9-12.

With the promo code "9ANY" you can get any pizza you want at Pizza Hut for $9.

Heavens Above Fireworks is a company that turns your ashes into a firework after you die, so you can literally go out with a bang.

Adding vodka to your shampoo can strengthen your hair, prevent dry scalp, and stop dandruff

Overcooked your bacon while making breakfast? Crumble it and add it into your scrambled eggs!

Want to save on your phone bill? Gmail offers free calling to anywhere in the US, as long as you have internet and a mic.

Never use your favorite song as your alarm clock, you'll end up hating it.

Storing batteries in the freezer can up to double their life span.

You can use Google as a timer by typing "Set timer (x) minutes" into the search bar.

At Disney World, you can request a wake up call from any Disney character!

Spiders hate peppermint oil. Put some in a squirt bottle with water, spray your garage and all door frames, then watch the spiders run!

Saying "Boots 'N' Cats" quickly, repeatedly and at varying tempos is the secret to beatboxing.

To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, double the Celsius number and add 28.

Go to youtube.com/disco and enter in an Artists name and YouTube will auto arrange a playlist based on uploads of that artist.

Deodorant on an insect bite or other itchy site will stop the itch.

Need to test a printer? Print the Google homepage, it has all the colors and uses almost no ink.

When buying a romantic card, get two. Write the inscription from card A into card B and pretend you can write sweet things.

Exhale when your left foot hits the ground to avoid cramps while running.

Put a sticker with a fake PIN number on your debit card. If you lose it and someone tries to use it 3+ times, the machine will eat the card.

If you put your fingers in ice water immediately after painting your nails the paint will dry instantly.

Buy a Yelp shirt and wear it to restaurants, you'll get the best service.

If you can't afford a cab ride home, you definitely can't afford a DUI.

Want a magazine subsription but dont want to pay full price? Hit up you local library, they usually dont take out those little cards with cheaper subscriptions. Grab one!

Didn't finish your paper? Copy and paste a bunch of random symbols in a Word document and send it. Your teacher will think the file was damaged.

Put your wet sponge in the microwave for 2 minutes to kill 99% of the bacteria.

Spam texts bothering you? Forward them to 7726, your carrier will reply asking for the number it came from to help stop spam.

Open an incognito tab in your browser and sign into Pandora to get unlimited skips!

If you're going for a run, the jog.fm app will select a music playlist for you based on your pace.

Flip a Pizza box around on your lap so when opened the lid covers your chest... BOOM perfect Pizza Bib.

To clean a microwave: Put a bowl of water inside and microwave for 3 minutes. The steam will moisten everything up making cleaning simple!

Drinking two cups of water before meals can make you lose an average of 4.5 more pounds within 12 weeks than if you don't.

When you are at the pool or beach, set your flip-flops facedown. Then they won't be scalding hot from the sun when you're ready to leave.

Life Tip: Buy a fire extinguisher before you need a fire extinguisher!

Do not use chemicals to kill ants. Instead, get a spray bottle, fill it with water and salt (25%), shake well, spray... boom, dead!

9 foods that get rid of an upset stomach: Bananas, Ginger, Plain yogurt, Papaya, Apple Sauce, Oatmeal, White Rice, Chamomile Tea, Chicken Broth

Doritos are great for kindling if you can't find any.

Confusing Wikipedia article? Click "Simple English" on the left list of languages and it'll whisk you to a simplified version!

Locket is an Android app that displays ads on your lock screen, this means you get paid every time you unlock your phone.

Buying a car? Buy it at the end of the month. Salespeople have quotas to meet each month and will be more likely to cut you a deal.

Tie a knot around your left earbud so you can easily tell them apart.

Buying a gym membership? Most times, your health insurance company will completely reimburse the cost for you.

You're 50% more likely to remember something if you speak it out loud instead of simply reading it over and over.

Desperate for money? NASA will pay $15,000 to anyone who is willing to sit in bed for 87 days, to research the effect of zero gravity.

Holding a banana peel over a bruise (for 10 to 30 minutes), will remove it's color!

Microwave a Nature Valley bar for 30 seconds to prevent crumbs when you eat it.

Using your phone while it's charging can damage the battery. This is why the cords for chargers are so short.

Can't afford Microsoft Word? Get "open office", it's the same thing except it's free and has more features.

Want to make sure you wake up in the morning? The Snooze App for iphone will donate to charity each time you hit the snooze button!

Poke a fork through the creamy part of an Oreo so you can dip the whole Oreo in milk without getting your fingers wet.

Clothes shrink too small? Soak them in a mixture of hot water and hair conditioner for 5 minutes, to unshrink them.

Want kids to behave on road trips? Bring a bag of candy. Anytime they misbehave, throw a piece of candy out the window.

Watching horror movies can burn up more than 180 calories.

Tie a small piece of bright-colored fabric to your luggage. You'll be able to spot your bag in no time at the airport.

Secretaries, tech support and janitors are the true power in an office. Make friends, remember birthdays and you can get anything you need!

Drop a battery from 6 inches off the ground, if they give one small bounce and fall over they're good. If they bounce around anymore they're dead or almost dead.

At Starbucks, tell the cashier you're visiting from Canada. They'll give you a coffee for free as a part of their program to get canadians to switch over from Tim Hortons.

By peeing in the shower, you can save about 1,157 gallons of water a year!

If a shirt/sweater has static cling, put a safety pin in it. The static will instantly go away.

Replace the butter in almost every recipe with coconut oil. It has a rich, lightly sweet taste, and it’s super healthy.

Try the SleepCycle iphone app iphone. This bio-alarm clock measures your cycle and wakes you at the lightest point in your sleep, meaning no more groggy mornings!

Boiling water before freezing it will give you crystal clear ice.

If you drop an earring, ring, or small screw simply turn off the lights and look with a flashlight. They'll light right up.

Drinking a cold glass of water in the morning will wake you faster than a cup of coffee.

Want to find a job after college? Be friends with as many people as possible in your field but on pace to graduate 1-2 years ahead of you.

Trying to quit smoking? Lick a little salt with the tip of your tongue whenever you feel the urge to smoke. This is said to break the habit within a month.

If your phone battery is really low and you need it for later don't turn it off. Instead, put it on airplane mode. Turning it off and on will waste more battery life.

Put that you were Time’s 2006 person of the year on your resume/CV. In 2006, Time made "Everyone" the person of the year.

Lick your wrist and smell it. This is what your breath smells like to others.

If you mess up a voicemail to someone, press "#" to erase and re-record.

Download the Apple free app of the week, even if you don't need it! You can delete it and re-download in "recently purchased" when you want.

You can clear a room full of cigarette smoke in about a minute simply by spinning a wet towel around.

If you have a .edu email address, you can get an Amazon Prime acct.  This lets you watch almost unlimited TV/Movies.

If you're coughing uncontrollably, raise your hands above your head and it will stop!

By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.

Nutella + milk in the microwave will give you the best hot chocolate ever!

AAA insurance will pick anyone up and drive them home for free on New Years Eve.

Put dry tea bags in your smelly shoes or gym bags, it will absorb the unpleasant odor.

Drink tons of apple juice before you go to bed. A chemical compound in the juice will help you to have vivid awesome dreams!

Crush up Oreo cookies and put them in a salt grinder for an easy and tasty dessert toppings.

Clothes shrink too small? Soak them in hot water and hair conditioner for five minutes to unshrink them!

Feeling lucky? Diamondcandles.com sells candles that after so long of burning reveal a ring valuing either 10, 100, 1000 or 5000 dollars!

If you have a computer that blocks sites such as YouTube, Google Chrome’s incognito mode will let you access them.

Put Pancake Mix in a Ketchup bottle for a clean no-mess experience.

If you ever go to a zoo, wear the same colors as the employees do. The animals will come right up to you instead of backing away.

Fold your receipt around the gift card to always know your balance.

If you want to download a Youtube video, just add "ss" to the URL between www. and Youtube.

Have a good 20-minute work out in the morning. Then you can be lazy for the rest of the day, and you won't feel guilty!

If you chew gum when you study a subject and then chew the same flavor when you the take the test it can help you remember.

You can predict your future adult height with almost 100% accuracy by doubling your height at age two.

If you are buying headphones/speakers, test them with Bohemian Rhapsody. It has the complete set of highs and lows in instruments and vocals.


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