
Around the World: Longest around the World

S. No.TypePlace
1.Longest RiverNile
2.Longest RailwayTrans-Siberian Railway
3.Longest Road TunnelLaedal Tunnel, Norway (24.51 km long)
4.Longest Railway PlatformGorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh, India)
5.Longest Ship CanalSt. Laurence Seaway (USA and Canada)
6.Longest River DamHirakud Dam, Odisha, India
7.Longest Mountain RangeAndes (South America, Length = 5500m)
8.Longest WallWall of China

Around the World: Largest around the World

S. No.TypePlace
1.Largest ContinentAsia
2.Largest DeltaGanges Delta (consists of Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal, India)
3.Largest DesertSahara Desert (covers a surface area of 3.5 million square miles)
4.Largest IslandGreenland
5.Largest DamThree Gorges Dam (spans the Yangtze River in China)
6.Largest LibraryUnited State Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
7.Largest Sea BirdAlbatross
8.Largest city in populationTokyo, Japan
9.Largest PeninsulaArabian Peninsula
10.Largest Solar PlantYanchi Solar Park, China

Around the World: Tallest, Smallest, Biggest around the World

S. No.TypePlace
1.Tallest AnimalGiraffe
2.Tallest BuildingBurj Khalifa (828 m)
3.Tallest MonumentGateway Arch (USA)
4.Smallest BirdHumming Bird
    5.Smallest ContinentAustralia
    6.Smallest PlanetMercury
    7.Biggest Country by AreaRussia
    8.Biggest PlanetJupiter
    9.Biggest OceanPacific Ocean
    10.Hottest PlaceDeath Valley, California, USA.
    11.Deepest LakeBaikal (Siberia)
    12.Deepest OceanPacific Ocean


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