About Universe

No: 1 - Q:Which star is at the center of our Solar System?
Ans: Sun

No: 2 - Q:What is the diameter of Sun?
Ans: 1,392,684 km (865,374 mi)

No: 3 - Q:What percent of the solar system’s mass does Sun holds?
Ans: 99.8 percent

No: 4 - Q:How many stars are in the Milky Way?
Ans: more than 100 billion

No: 5 - Q:When was Sun born?
Ans: roughly 4.6 billion years ago

No: 6 - Q:What is the distance between sun and earth?
Ans: 92,960,000 miles (149,600,000 km)

No: 7 - Q:Sun’s Chemical Composition ?
Ans:71% of Hydrogen, 26.5% Helium and2.5% of other elements

No: 8 - Q:How much time does sun rays take to reach earth?
Ans: 8 minutes

No: 9 - Q:Which planet isnearest tothe earth ?

No: 10 - Q:Which planet is known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star?

No: 12 - Q:What is the diameter of MERCURY?
Ans: 3,032 miles (4,879 km)

No: 13 - Q:What is the diameter of VENUS?
Ans: 7,521 miles (12,104 km)

No: 14 - Q:What is the diameter of EARTH?
Ans: 7,918 miles (12,742 km)

No: 15 - Q:What is the diameter of MARS?
Ans: 4,212 miles (6,779 km)

No: 16 - Q:What is the diameter of JUPITER?
Ans: 86,881 miles (139,822 km)

No: 17 - Q:What is the diameter of SATURN?
Ans: 120 536 kilometers

No: 18 - Q:What is the diameter of URANUS ?
Ans:31,518 miles (50,724 km)

No: 19 - Q:What is the diameter of NEPTUNE?
Ans: 30,599 miles (49,244 km)

No: 20 - Q:What is the diameter of PLUTO ?
Ans:2360 kilometers

No: 21 - Q:Which is the largest planet in our solar system?

No: 22 - Q:Which Planet Has the Most Moons?
Ans: the planet with the most number of moons is Jupiter with 66 moons

No: 23 - Q:Which planet is closest to the sun?
Ans: name of the closest planet to the sun is : Mercury

No: 24 - Q:Which Is the Hottest Planet in the solar system ?

No: 25 - Q:Which Planets Have Rings around Them?
Ans: Saturn,Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune (4 planets)

No: 26 - Q:Which is the coldest andsmallest of all planets?

No: 27 - Q:Which Star is called Earth’s satellite ?

No: 28 - Q:What is the Average distance of Moon from Earth ?
Ans:238,855 miles (384,400 km)

No: 29 - Q:What is the age of Moon?
Ans: 4.527 billion years

No: 30 - Q:What is the Orbital period of Moon?
Ans: 27 days

No: 31 - Q:What is the Circumference of Moon?
Ans: 6,784 miles (10,917 km).

No: 32 - Q:Which planet has the most volcanoes?
Ans: Venus

No: 33 - Q:Which planets do not have moons?
Ans: Mercury and Venus

No: 34 - Q:How much larger the Sun is than Earth?
Ans: 300000 times

No: 35 - Q:When the Halley’s Comet will be visible from Earth again?
Ans: 2061

No: 36 - Q:What is the surface temperature of Venus over 450 degrees?
Ans: Celsius

No: 37 - Q:When was the Solar System formed ?
Ans:around 4.6 billion years ago

No: 38 - Q:A person who weighs 200 pounds on earth, what would he weigh on the surface ofMars?
Ans: 76 pounds

No: 39 - Q:Which Planet spins backwards relative to the others?
Ans: Venus

No: 40 - Q:When was the first man made object sent into space?
Ans: 1957

No: 41 - Q:Name Jupiter’s 4 biggest moons?
Ans: Europa, Ganymede, Callisto and Io

No: 42 - Q:Why do we have high & low tides ?
Ans:because of the Sun & Moons gravity

No: 43 - Q:Where is The “edge of space” located ?
Ans:100 km (62 mi) above sea level

No: 44 - Q:What is an astronaut employed by the Russian Federal Space Agency called?
Ans: Kosmonavt

No: 45 - Q:Who was the first person to reach space?
Ans: Yuri Gagarin, in 1961.

No: 46 - Q:Who was the first woman to reach space?
Ans: Valentina Tereshkova, in 1963

No: 47 - Q:Name five recognized dwarf planets ?
Ans:Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Makemake & Haumea

No: 48 - Q:The Moon orbits the Earth every?
Ans: 27.3 days

No: 49 - Q:Who was the first person to set foot on the Moon ?
Ans:Neil Armstrong

No: 50 - Q:What is the average surface temperature of the Moon?
Ans: 107 degrees Celsius during the day and -153 degrees Celsius at night

No: 51 - Q:When does a lunar eclipse occur ?
Ans:when the Earth is between — the Sun and the Moon

No: 52 - Q:At how mush speed Moon moves across the Sun?
Ans: 2,250 km per hour

No: 53 - Q:How long a solar eclipse can last ?
Ans:7 and a half minutes

No: 54 - Q:What is the Equatorial Circumference of Earth?
Ans: 40,030 km

No: 55 - Q:What is Earth’s surface temperature ?
Ans:88 to 58°C

No: 56 - Q:When was the Earth formed approximately ?
Ans:4.54 billion years ago

No: 57 - Q:How many natural satellites of Earth are there ?
Ans:one, Moon

No: 58 - Q:What are the notable satellites of Mars ?
Ans:Phobos & Deimos

No: 59 - Q:Which planet has approximately the same landmass as Earth?
Ans: Mars

No: 60 - Q:What are the notable satellites of Pluto ?
Ans:Charon, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx

No: 61 - Q:When was the Pluto reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planet?
Ans: in 2006

No: 62 - Q:How many stars are there in Andromeda Galaxy ?
Ans:1 trillion

No: 63 - Q:At which speed the Andromeda Galaxy is approaching the Milky Way?
Ans: at approximately hundred to hundred and forty kilometers per second.


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