
No: 1 - Q:What Is Commerce?
Ans: Commerce refers to and includes all those activities which are necessary to bring goods and services from the place of their origin to the place of their consumption

No: 2 - Q:Into How Many Departments Is Commerce Mainly Divided Into? Which Are They ?
Ans:Into two

No: 3 - Q:The Trade Is Sub Divided Into Two Divisions, Which Are They?
Ans: Home trade and Foreign trade

No: 4 - Q:Into How Many Divisions The Home Trade Is Divided ?
Ans:Into two they are, Whole sale and retail

No: 5 - Q:What Is Quoted Price?
Ans: It is the price of a share commodity as stated in the official list of the stock exchange commodity market

No: 6 - Q:What Is Share?
Ans: A unit for reckoning investors interests in the contributed capital of a company

No: 7 - Q:What Is The Other Name For Creditorship?
Ans: securities Debentures

No: 8 - Q:Who Is Called An Arbitrator?
Ans: A person chosen by the parties to a dispute to suggest a way of settling the dispute

No: 9 - Q:When Did The Government Institute The Companies Amendment Act ?
Ans:In February 1963.

No: 10 - Q:What Is Debit?
Ans: It is the term using in double entry book keeping for an entry made on the left-hand side of an account

No: 11 - Q:Name The Brand Mark Which Has Legal Restrictions?
Ans: Trademark

No: 12 - Q:What Is Stock Market?
Ans: An organized market for securities. Also called a ‘stock exchange’

No: 13 - Q:What Is Tap?
Ans: A large quantity of securities held by some one who is able to sell to any one who wants to buy is called a tap

No: 14 - Q:What Is Wage?
Ans: It is the remuneration paid to the operative staff whoe output can be directly in an year

No: 15 - Q:What Is A By-product ?
Ans:A commonly which can be sold, produced in the process of manufacturing the main product.

No: 16 - Q:Document Issued By A Vendor Giving Credit To The Debtor Is Called...... ?
Ans:Credit note

No: 17 - Q:What Is Petty Cash ?
Ans:A small fund of cash held by an institution which is used to make small and urgent payments

No: 18 - Q:Who Are Entitled To Take Part In The Control And Management Of Business In A Company?
Ans: The board of directors elected by the shareholders

No: 19 - Q:The Bailment Of Goods As Security For Payment Of A Debt Is Called....... ?

No: 20 - Q:The Selection Of Goods Offered For Sale By A Retailer Is Called........ ?

No: 21 - Q:What Is A Person Or Party To Whom An Assignment Is Made Called ?

No: 22 - Q:Which Value Was Measured In Gold Or Equivalent In Us Dollars ?
Ans:Par value

No: 23 - Q:What Is The Name Of Entry Which Is Used In Bank Column Cash Book To Record The Money Transaction ?
Ans:Contra entry

No: 24 - Q:The Fixed Cost Of Producing A Quantity Of A Good Divided By The Quantity Produced Is……?
Ans: Average fixed cost

No: 25 - Q:Which Is The Basic Document Of A Company?
Ans: Memorandum of association

No: 26 - Q:Minimum Number Of Persons Who Has To Sign The Memorandum Of Association?
Ans: Seven persons in the presence of one witness

No: 27 - Q:In The Charter Of The Company While Choosing A Name Which Word Should Not Be Included ?

No: 28 - Q:In The Name Of A Company Which Word Should Be Used At The End?
Ans: Limited

No: 29 - Q:Which Is The Most Important Clauses Of The Memorandum ?
Ans:The object clause

No: 30 - Q:Which Is A Document Containing A Rules And Regulations For The Internal Management Of The Company ?
Ans:The article of association

No: 31 - Q:What Is The Maximum Number Of Partners In Banking Business?
Ans: Ten

No: 32 - Q:What Is The Minimum Number Of Members In A Public Company ?

No: 33 - Q:Which Bank Note Gives The Bearer The Right To Have Its Face Value Converted Into Gold Or Some Other Commodity Of Value Equivalent To The Amount Stated?
Ans: Convertible bank-note

No: 34 - Q:In Which Form The Co-operative Society, Distributes Its Surplus Dividends To Its Members ?
Ans:In the form of bonus

No: 35 - Q:Which Is The Technique Designed To Create An Artificial Market To Benefit A Businessman?
Ans: Rigging the market

No: 36 - Q:What Is Dead Time?
Ans: Time lost through no fault of the employee and for which he is usually paid at the full rate

No: 37 - Q:What Is A Decision Tree?
Ans: A diagram of a sequence of decisions, each of which involves choosing between a known number of alternatives and depends on the resultants of the previous decisions

No: 38 - Q:What Is Syndicate ?
Ans:A group of people working together towards a common objective usually profit is called a syndicate.

No: 39 - Q:In The Aspect Of Banking Business What Is The Term Used Of Giving Loans To Companies On A Large Scale?
Ans: Wholesale banking

No: 40 - Q:The Profit Margin Which A Retailer Of Goods Obtains From His Supplier Is Called........?
Ans: Trade discount

No: 41 - Q:What Is The Term Used To Indicate A Statement Of What Is Owned And What Is Owed?
Ans: Assets and Liability statements

No: 42 - Q:How Is An Asset Expressed?
Ans: Assets Liabilities = owner’s equity

No: 43 - Q:What Is Subsidy ?
Ans:It is a method adopted by the government or a company of supporting a price


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