
No: 1 - Q:Which gas is most popular as laughing gas?
Ans: Nitrous oxide

No: 2 - Q:Electromagnetic Field concept was observed and discovered by whom ?
Ans:James Hargreaves

No: 3 - Q:The BrahMos Missile was developed by which country?
Ans: Developed with Joint venture of India and Russia

No: 4 - Q:The ‘Concept of Inertia’ was developed by ?

No: 5 - Q:For the cultivation, name the crop required of water-logging?
Ans: Rice

No: 6 - Q:Who achieved the discovery of ‘Vitamin C’?
Ans: Albert Szent

No: 7 - Q:What is the purest form of Iron ?
Ans:Wrought Iron

No: 8 - Q:What is the name of NASA Mars Rover and when its landed on MARS?
Ans: Curiosity (Launched on November 26, 2011, Landed on MARS – 6th August 2012)

No: 9 - Q:What is the speed of Earth around sun ?
Ans:30 km/sec

No: 10 - Q:In our solar system the MARS is fourth planet according to sequences but how many moons has ‘Planet MARS?
Ans: 2

No: 11 - Q:To measure the Humidity in air, what instrument used ?

No: 12 - Q:Splitting of light into its constituent colors is known as what ?

No: 13 - Q:Basically the heavy water is used by which type of industries ?
Ans:Nuclear Power Generation plants

No: 14 - Q:‘Mechanical Clock’ made by whom ?
Ans:Isaac Newton

No: 15 - Q:By which Cotton fibers are made ?

No: 16 - Q:What is the name of the tube which connects the middle ear with the throat?
Ans: Eustachian tube

No: 17 - Q:A historical victory achieved by a Spacecraft which got Mars on its First try?
Ans: Mangalyaan (Developed by ISRO, launched on 5 November 2013, Reached – 24 September 2014)

No: 18 - Q:What is the best source of Protein ?

No: 19 - Q:‘Energy of the Sun’ concept discovered by which scientist ?
Ans:Hans Selye

No: 20 - Q:Rate of growth of the plant is measured by which instrument?
Ans: Auxanometer

No: 21 - Q:One Horsepower (1 HP) is equivalent to approximately?
Ans: 746 Watts

No: 22 - Q:Which was the first satellite of India, go into the orbit ?

No: 23 - Q:In human body ‘Vitamin K’ is necessary for what ?
Ans:Formation of Prothrombin

No: 24 - Q:Who discovered the ‘Modern Anthropology’?
Ans: Frederick Sanger

No: 25 - Q:‘White Revolution’ is related to what ?
Ans:Milk Production

No: 26 - Q:A very successful invention ‘Liquid Oxygen’ discovered by whom?
Ans: Dewar

No: 27 - Q:What is the radiant energy of the sun is transmitted?
Ans: Short waves

No: 28 - Q:What is the chemical formula of ‘Sodium Hydroxide’ ?

No: 29 - Q:Planet ‘Uranus’ was discovered by whom ?
Ans:Hideki Yukawa

No: 30 - Q:The Folded Earth book was written by ?
Ans:Anuradha Roy

No: 31 - Q:Barometer was invented by?
Ans: F. Banting

No: 32 - Q:Which rays is very helpful in Long distance photography ?
Ans:Infra-Red rays

No: 33 - Q:In India, who laid the foundation of Nuclear Science ?
Ans:Homi J. Bhabha

No: 34 - Q:In Computer, what is the full form of UPS ?
Ans:UPS = Uninterruptable Power Supply

No: 35 - Q:Which city is built on more than 100 islands ?
Ans:Venice (capital of northern Italy’s Veneto region

No: 36 - Q:Name the scientist who’s discovered the ‘Fahrenheit Scale’?
Ans: Fahrenheit

No: 37 - Q:Name of vegetable which is also known as a flower?
Ans: Broccoli

No: 38 - Q:Until in 1930, what was the highest structure in the world?
Ans: Eiffel Tower

No: 39 - Q:Highest electrical conductivity found in which element ?

No: 40 - Q:Thermometer made first by?
Ans: Gauss

No: 41 - Q:When India Supercomputer ‘PARAM 10000’ was unveiled ?
Ans:In 1998

No: 42 - Q:‘Foundations of Biology’ concept given by whom ?
Ans:Jean Piaget

No: 43 - Q:Planet Jupiter has how many moons ?
Ans:Jupiter has at least 67 known moons

No: 45 - Q:Soda water contains what ?
Ans:Carbon dioxide

No: 46 - Q:Stainless Steel invented by whom?
Ans: Harvey

No: 47 - Q:Which planet is commonly known as Dwarf Planet ?

No: 48 - Q:In 1911 ‘Georges Claude’ invented what ?

No: 49 - Q:As of November 2015, which country have most of supercomputers?
Ans: USA (199 Supercomputers)

No: 50 - Q:Name the suitable material for purify the water ?

No: 51 - Q:The invention of Electric Flat Iron was successfully by?
Ans: H. C. Urey

No: 52 - Q:Optical Phenomenon in the fringe pattern of CD is?
Ans: Interference

No: 53 - Q:Celsius and Fahrenheit show the same temperature at?
Ans: 40

No: 54 - Q:Exchange particle in Quark-Quark Interaction ?

No: 55 - Q:The working of a rockets based on the principle of: ?
Ans:Conservation of momentum

No: 56 - Q:The pollutants which move downward with percolating groundwater are called?
Ans: Leachates

No: 57 - Q:Hasdo Valley in Chhattisgarh is famous for?
Ans: Coal mines

No: 58 - Q:Special Theory of Relative was proposed in?
Ans: 1905

No: 59 - Q:Black hole is an object to be found?
Ans: in the sky

No: 60 - Q:IRADIAN is?
Ans: 57.3 degree

No: 61 - Q:Fraction of volume of ice seen outside when immersed in water?
Ans: 10.50%

No: 62 - Q:The disease " bronchitis " is associated with:?
Ans: Lungs

No: 63 - Q:Which colour indicate Highest Temperature?
Ans: Dull red

No: 64 - Q:Persons sitting in an artificial satellite of the earth have:?
Ans: Zero weight

No: 65 - Q:Light Year is ?
Ans:the distance traveled by light in one year

No: 66 - Q:Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is mainly a mixture of ?
Ans:propane and butane

No: 67 - Q:The Ozone layer lies in the?
Ans: Stratosphere

No: 68 - Q:Most of the light rays inside a tube -light is in the form of?
Ans: ultra -violet light

No: 69 - Q:Which is the alkalodid that contains in cola drinks ?

No: 70 - Q:The device used for detecting even feeble current: ?

No: 71 - Q:Anemometer is an instrument used for measuring?
Ans: Wind speed

No: 72 - Q:Due to contraction of eyeball, a long-sighted eye can see only?
Ans: farther objects which is corrected by using concave lens

No: 73 - Q:Which one among the following is not correct about Down’s syndrome ?
Ans:Effected individual has early ageing

No: 74 - Q:Insects that can transmit diseases to human are referred to as?
Ans: vectors

No: 75 - Q:Which of the following diseases are transmitted from one person to another?
Ans: 1, 3 and 4 only

No: 76 - Q:One of the occupational health hazards commonly faced by the workers of ceramics, pottery and glass industry is ?

No: 77 - Q:The anti-malarial drug Quinine is made from a plant. The plant is?
Ans: Cinchona

No: 78 - Q:To suspect HIV/AIDS in a young individual, which one among the following symptoms is mostly associated with?
Ans: Chronic diarrhoea

No: 79 - Q:Hypertension is the term used for?
Ans: Increase in blood pressure

No: 80 - Q:Acute lead poisoning is also known as ?

No: 81 - Q:Oral Rehydration Therapy is recommended for ?


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